Model, Assist, Watch, Launch

At the beginning of 2019 the Tree of Life leadership team began to cast the vision of โ€œNo Place Leftโ€ in Senegal without the gospel. The practical goal was to have an active master trainer in every region of Senegal, that would act as the catalyst for the gospel and the training.

In this post I would like to highlight the work of Augustin, a TOL Master Trainer, who made that concept his mission. He is a young guy with a big personality, who has been so faithful to proclaim the gospel and train those who believe on Jesus. As we cast that vision to the master trainers in 2019, Augustin was among those in that meeting and he knew then that God was calling him to move. So in early 2019, Augustin moved to a town about 30 minutes away to intentionally live in an area where there was very little active gospel presence. Since that time he has been working in numerous villages in that area sharing the Gospel and showing the Jesus film. He has led numerous individuals to Christ, started 5 churches (2 of which are pictured) and has started 6 home groups. He is meeting with each of these groups on a bi-weekly basis and discipling them through TOL. He is also working with the leaders of these groups to help them mature and develop with help from the MAWL method. MAWL is an acronym for Model, Assist, Watch, and Launch. Augustin’s success with the Pauline model of church planting shows that the method God gave Paul still works today. Throughout the book of Acts we see Paul going from place to place; sharing his faith, discipling the saved, planting a church there, and developing leaders within that church to continue the work.

I have had many opportunities to spend time with Augustin and his courage and faithfulness gets me excited for the next generation that God is raising up. I have also had the opportunity to visit all of the places where he is currently working and I am thankful for the work the Lord called Augustin to do. It is such a joy to be a part of coaching and encouraging Master Trainers like Augustin who are such amazing national missionaries.

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