Chad 🇹🇩

… in a snapshot.

Provided by Joshua Project

Country Snippet

Other than the truths of God’s Word that is found in the training, one of the most important pieces of information that we share during the training is the statistics. This information helps create a sense of urgency for the trainees, as many of them have never viewed their responsibility as a disciple through this lens before.

Statistics for Chad:

The population is :

The death rate (per 1,000 people) is :

The percentage evangelical is :

The mortality rate per day is :

Believers that die per day is :

Unbelievers that die per day is :


12 (visit the World Bank for more information)





We get asked all the time, where we found this information or how we know these calculation are accurate. If you are interested in how we calculate these statistics, visit Calculating Country Statistics.